Thursday, May 5, 2011

Astitav,a school for angels

 Amarsota a village in Sonabhadra,,where no school,no hospital,no any transporation,no handpump,for going in this village u have to walk atlist 20 km and across a river"Renu"then u will reach there,,near Amarsota 5-6 villages and education lable is Zero there,,in village Rambhajan is more educated person ,he pass highschool,he is ready to take responsbility of school,,and my new place is Amarsota,,from 10th may we r going to start a school for the angels of Amarsota and another villages,,Ramlal itself ready to make a school on his land ,Mr.sanjay Asthana editor of a news paper "Badal Rag"is ready to sponser stationary,,and mr.sekhar a software U.S. is ready to sponser a vehical ,,,,overall i m happy my dreams is in now shape,,if u wants to meet to me u have to come Amarsota,,i m attaching some photos of Amarsota,before some days i went Assam ,,guwahati,at Prijat academy ,and meet to a great personality Mr. uttam teron,,i just want to say that Parijat academy give me a Start,,but i need ur help also ,,thanks for ur help,,
        a school for angles

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